Thursday, January 9, 2020

Coffee and Cigarettes Second-Hand Smoke and Smoke Free...

Field, P. (1922, October 10). Coffee and Cigarettes: Second-Hand Smoke and Smoke-Free Laws. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. Retrieved October 10, 1927, from Coffee and Cigarettes: Second-Hand Smoke and Smoke Free Law Summary and Questions Joshua Davenport owned a coffee bar/bistro in the small town of Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania situated on the Delaware River. He wanted to bring the old world elegance to his rural community, a place where neighbors could meet and converse over espresso drinks prepared by an expert barista. The shops name is called â€Å"Espressivo† that attracted many young people, especially the college students at the nearby campus, and older†¦show more content†¦More than 60 are known to or suspected to cause cancer. It doesn’t only cause cancer but other disease such as heart disease, coughing, mucus, chest discomfort, and reduced lung function, asthma attacks, and low birth-weight babies. 2. Medically secondhand smoke causes a lot of medical issues such as cancer, heart disease, coughing, mucus, chest discomfort, reduced lung function, asthma attacks, and low-birth-weights. Ethically there is a violation of people’sShow MoreRelatedEssay on Americas War on Drugs5842 Words   |  24 Pagesstudy in March 1998 stating: â€Å"there are good reasons for saying that [the risks from cannabis] would be unlikely to seriously [compare to] the public health risks of alcohol and tobacco even if as many people used cannabis as now drink alcohol or smoke tobacco.† Marijuana was seen as a gateway to other drugs, giving birth to the Gateway Theory. Unfortunately, the Gateway Theory is flawed in many ways. In 1937 Harry Anslinger, then head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics testified before CongressRead MoreAsk the Dust by John Fante13686 Words   |  55 PagesBookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 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