Sunday, February 16, 2020

Nihilism of the Female Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nihilism of the Female Gender - Essay Example The Lowrider magazine is a monthly that focuses solely on the Lowrider model of cars. The magazine relies mostly on female models to advertise its cars. These advertisements normally contain images of the cars themselves, almost naked women and other graphics depicting the allure of the vehicles. While many may claim that depicting women as sexual objects is good for business, it does not that doing so is right. The use of demoralizing gender depictions in media advertising is both stereotypical and inhuman. Lowrider magazine is just one example of how women allow themselves to be used in derogatory situations just so as to please other people. The advert in the August issue of Lowrider magazine under discussion is featured under the article 1963 Chevrolet Impala - Ladies Night Out by Mike Landers. The advert is a two-page spread that specifically features a beautiful model sitting on the rear end of a sporty lowrider (car). The car being advertised is multicolored, most of it black, orange and yellow. Images of naked or scantily dressed women mark its decoration. Although the car covers a significant portion of the advert, the scantily dressed model is central in the picture. The woman has a broad smile on her face and assumes a sexy pose; her breasts thrust forward and her butts thrust in the opposite direction in a near sitting position. The woman is positioned close to the shiny spare wheel that is locked at the rear of the 1963 Chevrolet Impala. The beautiful lowrider is colorful and is presented as an object worth admiring, more like the model in stilettos. The words used in this specific advert imply that the car gives a feeling of majesty and designed to give utmost comfort and leisure. J Ayala, the model featured in the magazine is wearing thongs, a beautiful precious bangle on her right hand and white thongs on her breast, her nipples clearly exposed. She is also wearing a white g-string leaving most of her body nakedly exposed. On her ears, Ayala is wearing flowing earrings that match her bra partly covered with her long hair. She has a tattoo on her abdomen near her belly button and decorations of different colors on both of her feet. Her finger and toe nails are well manicured and her face neatly laced with make-up. Lowrider magazine is full of content that highlights the notion that sex sells. Body images of women are used to emphasize the attractiveness of the lowrider cars on sale. The written content is full of sexual innuendo that is meant to attract male customers. On the cover of every magazine issue, there is normally an attractive woman dressed only in bikini and many times standing next to an equally attractive car (Lowrider Magazine). It is clear from the advertisements and content of the Lowrider magazine that the specific target audience are men, mostly those who are aged between 20 and 40 years. Lowriders are well known as being flashy cars, the type that any man between 20 and 40 years would like to own. It is also a well known fact that sex sells, especially where men are concerned. Therefore, including sex symbols alongside the advertisements is a logical way of improving sales by attracting as many customers as possible. The median age of the target audience is likely to be around 25 to 30 according to the type of adverts on the magazine pages. Many of these men are likely to be single and living on their own and not in their parents’ house. They are economically stable since they can afford the lowriders. Most of the customers and target customers are also likely to be in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The reader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The reader - Essay Example This is true with respect to The Reader as well. While the movie certainly deserves its acclaim, especially on its technical aspects, there are crucial differences between the two versions. This essay will argue that the movie The Reader fails to capture the central thrust and focus of the novel in terms of capturing the personalities and thoughts of Hanna and Michael in their entirety. As a result of this deviation, it would stand second to the novel in terms of its aesthetic and moral significance to the audience. When evaluating the novel, one has to see it in the context of the burgeoning body of holocaust literature that has been published in the last sixty years. Rather than dealing in dichotomies of good and evil in the characters of Hanna and Michael, Bernhard Schlink does present a nuanced view of the questions confronting an entire generation of Germans post holocaust. While the work of art provides an entry point for further exploration of the moral aspects of the holocaust, it is simultaneously a statement on the limitations of the written word to convey and elicit comprehensive responses. To the extent that this is an accepted fact, not just applicable to the lead characters of The Reader, but for the Novel in general, the author does a satisfactory job of perceiving and probing answers to these tough questions. In other words, the Bernhard Schlink novel succeeds in meeting its set objectives. This is further borne by the fact that the book was translated into 37 languages and incl uded in the curricula of several graduate courses. To take the above mentioned assessment a little deeper, let us take a specific example. Early in the narrative of the novel we come across this memorable piece of writing (the narrator is the young Michael Berg): â€Å"As she was reaching for the other stocking, she paused, turning towards the door, and