Monday, December 23, 2019

Children With Disabilities A Mentally Person Who Has A...

People with disabilities want to live the same as we live. Even they want to go for shopping, to watch movie, to go out and eat, and enjoy life but they have certain limitations that do not make them enjoy their life. People with disabilities may be forced to change careers and they might miss all the joy which a physically and mentally abled person might get. Ann is a physically disabled person who had cancer and she lived very far from Cancer treatment centre. So she had to stay with her husband in a hospital where there was accommodation for cancer patients: but she was not allowed to use this accommodation as she was physically disabled they considered as inaccessible. She didn’t have rights to access things that are provided to†¦show more content†¦Abuse is a serious threat to many disabled people. There are abuses like physical and mental abuse etc. ` There are lots of kinds of abuses, which are against the law; some kinds of abuses are physical abuse, systemic abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, institutional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Some examples are like giving the person pain or injury, threatening to destroy your things and other types of threatening, ignoring the person, controlling another person’s finances without permission or gambling the money away. Taking away their independence and dignity, where other people are making decisions for disabled person. Most of people neglect a disabled person, such examples include like not providing enough to eat and drink, then not providing proper supervision, not providing enough electricity, not giving a proper care, and not giving medicines on time. These days’ people are becoming so insensitive where they have no care for a disabled person, when they understand how is their lives going on then everyone will understand that how much pain have I given to this person, How is he feeling? Is he fine with lifestyle in this world? Everybody wants freedom, even the disabled person. We have to do something to make their lifestyles better. For the people who have disability there are two ways to get rid out of the discouragement that impatient people will cause you to become more patient, insensitive people will

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Jealousy and Othello Free Essays

How does shakespeare explore the theme of authority in ‘Othello’? In the play Othello, Shakespeare explores through the theme of authority. He presents different types of authority such as racial, military, political, sexist, emotional and deception. Shakespeare uses techniques such as characterisation, symbolism, contrast, repetition, dramatic irony and pronouns to help portray the theme of authority. We will write a custom essay sample on Jealousy and Othello or any similar topic only for you Order Now Shakespeare uses characterisation to develop the characters to help express authority in Othello. Othello is seen as the protagonist and tragic hero of the play. He is described as an eloquent and physically powerful figure at the beginning of the play. He uses his experience of fighting in the battlefields to woo Desdemona and to gain her love. â€Å"She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them. † From this Othello gains authority over Desdemona as she loves him. He is depicted as a general who is of military authority over the armies of Venice, but also as a moor in the eyes of Iago, Brabantio and Roderigo because of his racial colour. Your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. † In spite of his military status, he possesses a free and open nature which Iago uses to his advantage to twist Othello’s love for Desdemona, which turns his love into an uncontrollable and insane jealousy. Due to Iago’s manipulation Othello becomes obsessive and compulsive which adds fire to the jealousy within Oth ello. Shakespeare portrays Iago as a manipulative and evil person. He is seen as the antagonist of the play. Envy of Cassio, jealousy of Othello’s possession of Desdemona, jealous fear that both Othello and Cassio may have cuckolded him and the incessant desire for money and power is what fuels Iago’s motivations and leads to Iago’s destructive actions. Iago like Othello is motivated by the same envy and jealousy that arouses murderous hatred. Iago’s desire for power leads Iago to manipulate and destroy other’s reputation to gain his own. Iago is highly skilled with words and uses language to gain his power. One such situation is when Iago convinces Cassio to drink to get him drunk which leads to Cassio losing his position as lieutenant which is then given to Iago. Iago uses people’s weaknesses and strengths to control his victims. This creates a sense of authority over them as he can easily manipulate them to do what he wants and to get what he wants. The women in Othello are characterised to have little to no power or authority against the males. This shows a sexiest view of authority. Though Desdemona is the senators daughter and starts off as a strong and independent woman defying her father, near the end she is seen as weak and unfaithful and also as a push over as she easily forgives Othello for everything he has done therefore showing that Desdemona has little power in her relationship with Othello. Emilia is portrayed as a cynical and worldly woman. Emilia is deeply attached to her mistress, Desdemona, though she tries to grab her husband, Iago’s attention and affections by stealing Desdemona’s handkerchief and giving it to Iago. In the end though Emilia goes up against Iago she is killed for it. Bianca, is a represented as a prostitute who doesn’t have any power or authority and is abused by Cassio as he doesn’t respect her and uses her as a sex toy. The handkerchief plays a very important role in Othello. It symbolises different things to the different characters. For Desdemona the handkerchief is a symbol of Othello’s love and for Othello it symbolises marital fidelity as it was his mother’s and used it to keep his father faithful to her. By losing the handkerchief and lying about it, Othello sees it as a sign of infidelity and thinks that Desdemona is cheating on him. For Iago, he sees it as an opportunity to use the handkerchief to beguile Othello into believing that Desdemona is unfaithful to him and cheating on him with Cassio who Iago uses as a part of his plan to confirm Othello’s uncertainties of Desdemona’s infidelity which drives Othello insane with jealousy. The handkerchief is a symbol of fidelity and trust which Iago manipulates to gain power over Othello. Dramatic irony is shown throughout the play. Iago is the main source of dramatic irony for his cunning ways. Iago is depicted as having two faces, one that is for show which is as a loyal soldier and trusting friend while the other as an evil and sinful man which only the audience knows until the end of the play. Iago’s loyalty as a soldier and as a friend is contrasted sharply to his true intention which is to destroy the lives Othello, Cassio and, Roderigo as a bonus, to gain power and money. Such irony includes Othello’s trust in Iago, as Othello listens to Iago and does what he says, giving Iago power over him, though the audience knows his true intensions which is to destroy his life and everyone he loves. Cassio is also a victim to manipulation. Iago uses persuasive language to get Cassio drunk which leads Cassio into getting into fight with Roderigo, who Iago also has power over, to get Cassio stripped of his status as lieutenant which goes to Iago. Though Cassio thinks of Iago as a friend who wants to celebrate with him, he is just another civilian towards his plan to gain power. The use of repetition is mainly used by Iago which is used to emphasis and brainwash his victims. â€Å"Put money in thy purse†, is repeatedly said to hypnotise Roderigo into believing that Iago will help him get Desdemona for the price of all his money, but of course this is dramatic irony as the audience knows he is being used by Iago, creating a strong authority over Roderigo. Iago has Roderigo so mesmerised that he convinces him to kill Cassio, as Iago has made him believe that Cassio was also after Desdemona’s affections and was competition that had to be eliminated. â€Å"Villainy†, is repeatedly said by Emilia to emphasis the murder of an innocent lady and to create guilt inside of Othello’s conscience. Shakespeare conjures an Elizabeth racial stereotype which creates a racial authority. Elizabethans were very sensitive to the use of the pronouns such as ‘you’ and ‘thee’, which sent clear social signals. Even though Othello is of high authority, he is not treated with the same respect as the white people because of his racial colour. People such as Iago use ‘thou’ and ‘thee’ towards Othello and ‘you’ and ‘your’ towards Brabantio. This shows that Iago acknowledges Othello as a superior but has no respect for him as he calls him by ‘thee’ which implies contempt. The use of pronouns such as ‘you’ is more formal and distant, suggesting respect for a superior. â€Å"An old black ram is tupping your white ewe†, is a racist comment used to describe Othello. Because of the white dominated race in Cyprus, black people such as Othello do not get the same respect as one should get. In conclusion, Shakespeare has expressed many views of authority in Othello. The use of techniques and structure has helped develop the theme of authority. One of Shakespeare’s messages of authority in the play is that jealousy can be destructive and powerful and can lead people to do unmentionable deeds. It can lead us into compulsion and obsession and destroy the person that we are. How to cite Jealousy and Othello, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Dove report free essay sample

An Introduction to Dove In 1957, Unilever introduced Dove into the market as a single product: a beauty soap bar. And it was not just ordinary soap, but touted as having more moisturizing qualities than the top brands at that time and therefore suitable for dry sensitive skin. And in the 1980s, the brand launched a new product line, which constitutes of liquid body wash, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant/anti-perspirants and body lotion—just to name a few. Today Dove is no stranger to the average Singaporean consumer. Its products are sold virtually in all supermarkets, personal care shops and mom-to-pop shops in Singapore, among many other places. Often sharing the shelves with other popular personal care brands such as Lux and Dettol, Dove is more geared towards the female market and the brand is easily recognized with its trademark logo, a soft silhouette of a golden dove. When it comes to advertising, the brand is famous for its thought-provoking campaigns and short films that focus on the self-esteem of women. A simple visit to Unilever Singapore’s website will tell you that Dove is â€Å"the world’s number 1 cleansing brand with double digit growth†, â€Å"outsells all other skin care bars combined† and â€Å"over 1 billion showers taken with Dove products in US each year. † Which makes one wonder: How many such showers are taken in Singapore yearly? The Target Customer Statistics in Singapore All information here is updated as of 2012, unless otherwise stated. Population Age Structure Below 20 years 885,200 20-64 years old 2,554,400 65 years Over 378,600 Sex Ratio There are 970 males in every 1000 females. Males 1,880,000 Females 1,938,200 Ethnic Groups Chinese 74. 1% Malay 13. 4% Indian 9. 2% Others 3. 3% Religions (aged 15 years older) Households Housing Most Singaporeans live in public housing apartments provided by HDB (House Development Board). These HDB flats are located in housing estates, which have their own set of amenities and facilities. 90. 1% of Singaporeans own a home. Number of Resident Households 1, 152, 000 Average Household Size 3. 53 persons Resident Households by Type of Dwelling A three-room flat has two bedrooms in about 70 m2 (750 sqft). A four-room flat has three bedrooms and space of about 90 m2 (970 sqft) of space. A five-room is about 110 m2 (1,200 sq ft). Some have an extra room that is used as a study, and others have a dining area. An executive apartment has three bedrooms and separate dining and living rooms, with 150 m2 (1,600 sq ft) of space. Total living in HDB flats 81. 6% 1- 2-Room 4. 7% 3-Room 18. 6% 4-Room 32. 6% 5-Room Executive Flats 25. 5% Condominiums Other Apartments 12. 1% Landed Properties 6. 0% Education Highest qualification attained of resident non-student population, by age group and sex Employment (as of March 2013) Total Employed 3,386,500 Total Unemployed 1,900 Monthly Income Median Household Income Per Person $2127 Median Resident Household Income $7,566 Culture, attitudes and beliefs Singapore is a very diverse and young country. It has many languages, religions, and cultures for a country its size. Due to the many languages and cultures in the country, there is no single set of culturally acceptable behaviours. Each Singaporeans set of behaviour and attitudes is influenced by, among many other things, his or her home language and his religion. Singaporeans who speak English as their native language tend to lean toward Western culture. Singapore, as a country, in general is conservative socially, but some liberalization has occurred. Racial and religious harmony is regarded by the government as a crucial part of Singapores success and played a part in building a Singaporean identity. Buying behavior Singaporeans love to shop, which might explain the large number of shopping places here in this small country. When it comes to buying behavior, Singaporeans are known to own several distinctive traits, which includes being particular for price (loves to bargain) and kiasu-ism. Kiasu-ism is a Hokkien word, literally translated as â€Å"fear of losing†. There is a mild sense of paranoia involved, of fear of not getting the desired item, and placing the self first before others. Such behavior is characterized by barging into places like lifts or escalators, and the willingness to queue in advance, or for long periods of time for said item. Lifestyle and hobbies Dining, along with shopping, is also another popular hobby in Singapore. Food is one of the points of interests in tourism. Due to the many ethnicities here, there is a wide diversity of food which symbolizes a melting pot of cultures. In Singapore, eating is a culture itself. Popular sports in Singapore include soccer, basketball, cricket, swimming, sailing, table tennis and badminton. Dove’s Target Market Dove’s market is targeted more towards female teenagers and adult women, which falls within this range as highlighted below. The heavy half will be towards female shoppers, aged 15 to 44. Estimated no. of people aged 15-44: 834, 400 In an 2007 article by Brand Republic, â€Å"UKs leading online destination for people working in the advertising, marketing, media and communications industries†, Dove was â€Å"departing from phase ones focus on adult women,† and â€Å"phase two hones in on teenagers†, in a follow-up to its ‘Campaign for Real Beauty’, which was launching in Singapore at that time. [1] In 2007 students from Temasek Polytechnic, one of the five polytechnics in Singapore, did a study called ‘Insights on Brands: Perception and Purchase Behaviour of Singaporean Youths’. They did a survey on youths aged 15 to 27 years old. The study revealed that the buying patterns of our youths tend to lean towards cognitive traits, rather than emotive. It states that â€Å"while youths like to try new and different things, as well as tend to follow latest trend and technology, they are more rational in their purchase behaviour than generally perceived. † The study also showed that 81. 9% of Singaporean youths spent $500 and below per month. Drawn to hi-tech and latest trends 86. 5% said they will try new and different things 76. 5% said they tend to follow latest trend and technology Quality conscious 85. 9% Study options before purchase 86. 2% Brand is not the most important consideration only 53. 4% agree that brand is most important [2] Factors that influence a youth’s buying behavior are more towards social and psychological. They are easily influenced by their peers, and tend to buy brands that can reflect their personality. For example, a teenager who frequently hangs out with a group that frequently shops at Topshop and Zara will soon follow suit. And a male teenager who is involved in a rock band will prefer to buy related accessories or make-up e. g eyeliner. And how about the buying patterns of adult women in Singapore? Women obviously have different shopping traits than men, preferring to wander around in shops, compared to men who are more straight-forward in their purchases. A shopping experience is also more important to a woman. Asian women now are more educated, have high-paying jobs and bigger purchasing power, all at a younger age. In an article called â€Å"Marketing to the modern Asian woman: Trends to watch† by Vic Corsi, the Executive Manager of Landor in Singapore, it states that Asian consumers are â€Å"increasingly cynical about traditional advertising and research their purchases thoroughly. † An Asian woman’s shopping behavior is also different from her Western counterparts. Shopping is seen as a social activity where it is not necessary to make a purchase. Asian women also spend more time shopping online, and more open to using new digital innovations, compared to Western women. â€Å"And on top of everything else,† says Corsi, â€Å"Asian women are putting more effort into their beauty routine thanWestern women. † [3] He notes that although Asian women are among the most educated in the world, beauty still holds high importance and on par with success, such as having a good job and education. And since women run the household, they do not only buy beauty or fashion products, but also more towards consumer electronics, banking items and travel. Product Strategy Countries that manufacture Dove products Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and United States. Today, Dove’s products have reached sales of up to â‚ ¬2. 5 billion a year in 80 countries. [5] Dove’s Product Mix in Singapore Dove sells a range for men too, called Dove Men+Care, but is only available in the US. Their product line is similar to their female counterpart, except for the addition of shaving products. Travel Kits Part of Dove’s packaging also includes mini-sized products for those travelling, called Dove Travel Minis. Their kit consists of deodorant (35ml), body wash (55ml), moisturizing cream (30ml), and a set of shampoo and conditioner (50ml), all inside a handy, luggage-friendly wash bag. Body Wash: Dove Vs Lux For this report, I will be focussing on two products from brands Dove and Lux for analysis and comparison. Lux is a strong competitor of Dove when it comes to their body washes, with their products being sold in more than 100 countries. Below is a body wash comparison between Dove Beauty Nourishing Body Wash and Lux Velvet Touch Shower Cream. Brand Core Benefits Actual Benefits Augmented Benefits Dove Wash body ? Contains ? moisturizing milk with Nitrium (a new moisturizing technology) ? has a characteristic pleasant scent that lingers ? Packaging comes in a droplet shaped bottle ? Dermatologist recommended Social networking sites e. g Facebook and Twitter are used to connect with customers. Lux Wash body ? Enriched with exclusive Silk Protein Extract, a moisturizing ingredient ? forms a light creamy layer on skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth and moisturised ? Dermatologist recommended ? Packaging comes in a slender bottle with slim contours. Has contests on their website Pricing Strategy Dove’s prices are slightly more expensive than their competitors, but maintain the market price. Below is a list of the prices for each Dove product in every category. I will be comparing the prices in two supermarkets—NTUC Fairprice and Cold Storage. Dove Bestsellers Price List in NTUC Fairprice VS Cold Storage DOVE BODY WASH BEAUTY NOURISHING 1L DOVE ANTI PERSPIRANT DEODORANT ROLL ON WHITENING-ORIGINAL 40 ML DOVE BAR SOAP WHITE BEAUTY BAR (3PCS) 100G DOVE DAMAGE THERAPY SHAMPOO INTENSE REPAIR 700ML Fairprice $10. 95 $3. 40 $3. 35 $11. 70 Cold Storage $10. 95 $4. 15 $3. 60 $11. 70 Here is a list of prices for Dove versus other competitors in the body wash category. DOVE BODY WASH BEAUTY NOURISHING 1L DETTOL SHOWER GEL – ORIGINAL 950ML LUX SHOWER CREAM – VELVET TOUCH 700ML SHOKUBUTSU ANTI-BACTERIA BODY FOAM – BRIGHT 950ML Fairprice $10. 95 $10. 50 $6. 95 $9. 20 Cold Storage $10. 95 $10. 90 $6. 90 $9. 50 Promotion Strategy Media Advertising Dove participates and invests in a lot of media advertising. Dove’s advertising tends to focus on women’s self-esteem. Their short films and commercials are award-winning and have reached millions of viewers. When it comes to advertising, Dove is synonymous with its campaign which is not new to controversy. Launched in September 2004, The Dove ® Campaign for Real Beauty used ordinary women to portray a realistic sense of beauty, which is made up of several phases. Dove alsodoes internet advertising, and has a Facebook page to reach out to its Singaporean customers,where it promotes discussion between fans such as the one below. Although the campaign and short films did not seem to actually promote their products, it was their way of reaching towards new customers by identifying with them. Dove’s short films have won several awards and praise, including two Cannes Lions Grand Prix awards forEvolution, and their latest short film Real Beauty Sketches has garnered more than 55 million views on Youtube. In Singapore, besides TV commercials, their advertisements can also be seen on bus stands and public transport. In 2012, ClearChannel, a media agency, placed Dove posters at bus stands to advertise Dove’s latest hair care series- Dove Hair Fall Rescue Treatment. These posters had a QR code on them, and scanning the codes would result in a chance to win a â€Å"FREE intensive hair tonic starter kit†. Besides ClearChannel, Dove also uses TV, online, print and in-store advertising for the new products. Sales Promotion Dove seldom does large-scale sales on its items, and only does small promotions in supermarkets, for example, for a short period of time. Their products are sometimes packed in a bundle or piggy-backed with others. Point of sales materials include wobblers and display stands. Activities In 2006, Dove established the Dove ® Self-Esteem Fund, in order to educate women on the perception of beauty. According to Unilever US’s website, it hopes to â€Å"act as an agent of change to inspire and educate girls and womenabout a wider definition of beauty. † [5] And in 2007, in conjunction with its campaign in Singapore, Dove had collaborated with local secondary schools and Sngapore General Hospital to organize a series of workshops on eating disorders. Alongside with the campaign, Dove also commissioned a study about the perception of beauty, called â€Å"The Real Truth About Beauty: A Global Report†. The report reveals that most women did not identify themselves as beautiful. Distribution Dove’s products are sold in a majority of shops in Singapore that offer personal care products. These include supermarkets, hypermarkets, drugstores, provision shops and personal care shops. They are also available online in some supermarkets that offer such services. They do not have a specialized outlet or store that sells Dove-only products. Major supermarkets in Singapore include NTUC Fairprice Co Ltd, Sheng Siong, Cold Storage Supermarket, with Fairprice being the leading retailer. Customers that frequent their places of distribution include all ages. List of places selling Dove products Supermarkets/Hypermarkets 1. NTUC Fairprice supermarket 2. Cold Storage supermarket 3. Giant hypermarket 4. Sheng Siong supermarket Personal Care Stores/ Pharmacies 5. Guardian 6. Watsons 7. Venus 8. Pink beauty 9. Beaute Spring Others 10. Provision Shops 11. Value Store 12. Mustafa Centre 13. G-Stores Online Supermarkets 14. NTUC Fairprice 15. Cold Storage Parallel Import In Singapore, some of Dove’s products are sold in certain shops are noticeably lower-priced compared to in supermarkets, thanks to parallel importing of these goods. For example a supermarket may sell Dove’s Moisturizing Body Wash at S$10. 95, but a store that does parallel importing may sell it at S$6. 50 instead. Parallel import is not entirely illegal in Singapore, with rules for different categories. Based on an internet article called â€Å"Parallel import permitted on patented products†, it states that the reason behind Singapore’s policies to allow parallel importing products is â€Å"based on the principle that such products are genuine† and that â€Å"the public should benefit from competition and the lower prices resulting from the availability of parallel imports. † [6] Dove products are mostly parallel-imported from countries like Thailand and Vietnam. Stores that do parallel-imported Dove products in Singapore include Venus, Pink Beauty, Beaute Spring and Value Stores. References Articles 1. â€Å"Dove to Target Teenagers†, BrandRepublic, 26 Jan 2007 (http://www. brandrepublic. com/news/633851/) 2. â€Å"Insights on Brands: Perception and Purchase Behaviour of Singaporean Youths†, Temasek Polytechnic, Temasek Business School, Diploma in Marketing, 10 Dec 2007 3. Vic Corsi, Executive Director Singapore, Landor, â€Å"Marketing to the modern Asian woman: Trends to watch† 4. † Unilever reveals Dove Hair Secret through Clear Channel Singapore†, ClearChannel, 16 July 2012 (http://www. clearchannel. com. sg/resource-centre/press-centre/press-centre-20112012/unilever-reveals-dove-hair-secret-through-clear-channel-singapore http://www. dove. us/) 5. â€Å"The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty†, Unilever US 6. â€Å"Parallel import permitted on patented products†, Miranda, 20 Dec 2008 (http://www. mirandah. com/categories/item/82-parallel-imports-permitted-on-patented-products-in-singapore. html)